Our Strategy


SRSP is committed to change; but it believes that change is only sustainable if it has wider ownership in the society and all stakeholders are brought on board. SRSP believes that by building awareness and competencies and empowerment within the communities it would ensure access of the communities to quality services, give them a voice and bring change in inequitable political and social structures that marginalize them.

SRSP believes that one of the best way to build empowered communities is to organize them. It also believes that the most inclusive and equitable of delivering services is to do that through organized groups. Around the former idea is the entire concept of community institution building undertaken and the latter idea leads to the provision of economic and technical resources to the community to help it address its common problems in diverse fields like livelihood, infrastructure, skill development, rural financial services etc.

SRSP is committed to gender equality and has put in place a gender policy which ensures that all of its staff and communities irrespective of their gender have equal opportunities and benefit from its programmes and activities.

SRSP does not have a project approach to development. It believes that in complex environments and chaotic situation with poor information, in which it operates ,an organizational approach to development works best. The organizational approach to development builds both the programmes and organizational structures necessary to implement them through interactions and learning in the field rather than building them as blue prints. Even after projects it implement end, the Core is retained to retain trust and relationship with communities on a long term basis. SRSP has built an endowment with hard earned assistance from the government and its own work to support such a commitment.

SRSP works on a scale. It believes that the issues of poverty can only be addressed if we work on a scale and make an impact.

SRSP believes that the government has the largest outreach and resources to address issues of poverty. It therefore goes the extra mile to work with government. But this is never done at the expense of its autonomy and independence